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Tag Archives: food forest

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Beginning to build a forest of food

Welcome to my enchanting forest.  Well, what will become my food forest.  See those wire cages?  Right now it resembles the begining of an orchard, but that will change over time and the addition of many more plants. What is a food forest?  Wikipedia’s formal definintion is “Forest gardening is a low-maintenance sustainable plant-based food production […]

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Healing Naturally

I have fibromyalgia and have been actually diagnosed with it since 2002, even though I felt it’s impact long before that.  I noticed the severity of it increase at an extreme pace over the past year or so causing me to finally relent and request to be put on medication to help reduce the impact […]

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Mark Shepard and Restoration Agriculture

Mark Shepard, author of Restoration Agriculture, presents his ideas on permaculture and development of his farm, New Forest Farm. He has successfully utilized a wide variety of principles to transform what was very damaged farmland into diverse, productive and finacially successful farm. While this is a long video, it is definitely worth listening to. )

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Abundant Urban Permaculture with Geoff Lawton

This is a brief introduction to what is possible on a tiny urban lot. You can see the full video with several examples of highly productive urban lots by going here.  You might need to log in and select the URBAN PERMACULTURE video. It is truely inspiring and hard to not get enthused about incorporating some […]

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Using spiced nuts as one solution to break my carbohydrate addition

I have been on a quest to break my addiction to carbohydrates, for health purposes, due to my fibromyalgia, but also just because an over the top carb intensive diet is not good for me.  Instead of grabbing pretzles as a snack of choice, I have been looking for snacks that taste good, have more […]

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A sure sign of success

As you can see, the tomato seedlings are up and doing well.  They are getting to the point where it is time for them to be separated and repotted.  When I initially planted the seeds, I planted one type of tomato, and pepper too, per pot until they germinated and started to grow. We will […]

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Getting ready for the spring planting season

On a cold 10 degree day, I found myself wandering out into the stark frontier of what was to become, in a few months, the bustling garden center at my local home improvement center.  No, I wasn’t lost or confused, it was seed starting season for tomatoes and peppers and I was on the hunt […]

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